AdvaMed Hosts Demo Day Showcasing Innovative AI Imaging Technologies for Congressional Staff Following RSRT Fly-in

AdvaMed recently hosted an “AI Demo Day” on Capitol Hill, where a number of medical imaging innovators had the opportunity to showcase some of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to members of Congress and their staff.

Featuring imaging technologies from companies such as Siemens Healthineers and Philips, the event served to drive home the enormous potential that AI medical imaging has for the future of patient care and the need for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure patient access by implementing a payment pathway for AI-enabled medical technology.

AdvaMed’s AI Demo Day follows a letter sent by Senate AI Caucus Chairs, Senators Martin Heinrich (NM) and Mike Rounds (SD), along with Senators Marsha Blackburn (TN) and Todd Young (IN), urging CMS to develop a formal payment pathway for AI-enabled medical devices, linked here.

 Only about 10 AI/ML medical device technologies are currently reimbursed by Medicare. With patients, providers, and lawmakers embracing AI-enabled medical devices, RSRT hopes that these cutting-edge, innovations will be accessible to all patients. This will only happen if federal policymakers establish Medicare reimbursement pathways for these technologies.

To read AdvaMed’s press release on AI Demo Day, click here.

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