Right Scan Right Time Joins Fellow Patient Groups in Urging Congress to Recognize Value of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Imaging

Right Scan Right Time, along with 14 other patient groups, recently sent a letter to congressional leaders highlighting how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in medical devices improve care. AI holds transformative potential within medical imaging, enabling doctors to quickly and accurately interpret medical images, detect abnormalities, and facilitate earlier diagnoses. For example, AI can assist physicians in detecting suspected polyps during colonoscopies.

Though 882 AI-enabled medical devices are now FDA approved or cleared, with more on the horizon, Medicare does not have a clear model to pay for their use. Without adequate payment, only those who can afford out-of-pocket expenses will benefit from these advanced technologies.

That’s why Right Scan Right Time is taking action. In the letter, addressed to key members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the patient groups emphasize the need to ensure that these beneficial technologies reach all patients. Specifically, the groups urge lawmakers to encourage Medicare to establish a payment pathway for AI technologies.

By calling for legislator support to integrate AI into Medicare’s payment systems, Right Scan Right Time recognizes AI’s growing role in our healthcare system and will continue to ensure that every patient has access to the most advanced care options available.

To read the letter to Congress, click here.

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