Tell President Trump: Tariffs Raise Health Costs

Surging healthcare costs. Cuts to healthcare innovation. Uncertainty as politicians play chicken with our economy.

The President has stated that the goal of the proposed China tariffs is to protect the interests of working men and women, but imposing these tariffs on medical imaging equipment will have the opposite effect.

Over the last few decades, many of the most important advances in medical technology have been spearheaded in the United States by the nearly 2 million American working in this field. Yet this trailblazing role and our position as a global leader in healthcare innovation are threatened by these tariffs that would increase the price of medical equipment and healthcare costs for patients.

But, it’s not too late, and these harmful outcomes are not inevitable. The President and his administration have the power to exempt medical imaging and devices to protect patients, innovators, and hardworking Americans.

Contact President Trump and ask him to exempt any tariffs on medical imaging equipment, which raises health care costs for everyday Americans!

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