What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines

It’s alarming that breast cancer rates are on the rising among younger women. 

While current guidance recommends mammograms every other year beginning at age 50, many experts worry this recommendation is missing breast cancer in younger populations. In fact, we’ve seen the rate of breast cancer among women ages 40 to 49 increase 2% annually on average, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Given these trends, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) – a federal panel focused on disease prevention and evidence-based medicine – is reviewing recommendations for when women should begin screening for breast cancer. According to new draft USPSTF guidelines, women ages 40 to 74 years old should be screened for breast cancer every other year. However, many leading professional societies recommend that women aged 40 and older get screened every year, rather than every other year, with no upper age limit – so talk to your doctor about what is right for you!

Some states are also taking action to boost access to preventative breast cancer screening services. One such proposal is to eliminate cost-sharing requirements for supplemental and diagnostic screening exams for breast cancer. Recently we’ve seen such measures move in Tennessee, Washington, and Maryland, with a half-dozen other states considering similar laws.

Right Scan Right Time is pleased to see policies that expand access to screening and keep pace with the latest medical knowledge.

Do you support lowering the recommended age for breast cancer screening? Share your support on social media! Here’s a suggested post to get you started:

I support policies and recommendations that expand access for #breastcancer screening. This will help many patients get the right scan at the right time and catch breast cancer early, often at its most curable stages!

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